A chip8 gaming architecture emulator written in C++.

A chip8 gaming architecture emulator written in C++.


Note: there are ui issues visible in this screenshot that I've been procrastinating on fixing


  • Renders CHIP-8 games using OpenGL.
  • Displays disassembly of processed instructions along with current chip8 state.
  • Allows to run games in instruction-by-instruction manner.
  • Controlled by clicking on displayed keypad with 16 keys.
  • Can load files passed as program arguments and selected using interactive file dialog.


This repository already contains most of dependecies, either as git submodules, or as regular directories:

  • glad
  • ImGui
  • ImGuiFileDialog
  • gtest

It is assumed, that following libraries are already installed on your system:

  • glfw3


  1. Install required dependencies. For example, on Fedora Linux you would have to run following command:
    sudo dnf install glfw-devel
  2. Clone this repository along with dependencies
    git clone --recurse-submodules ''
  3. Build the program using cmake
    cd chip8
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    cmake --build .